Auto Service Reminders – The Best Way For Timely Car Servicing
In our present busy schedule, we often miss some important events and dates, which, if not remembered, can cause financial loss (like paying late fees or penalty) or business loss. Say, for example, if you miss a customer renewal and someone else taking care of this customer’s requirement, then it will cause a business loss for you. To avoid that, ensure you use the auto service reminder app, which will be reminding customers when their car servicing is due.
The ground fact is that it is challenging to get customers on board, and then it is harder to keep them associated with your business. Every opportunity should be grabbed so that the customer remains loyal to your organization for life. Study shows that 80% – 85% of revenue is generated from an existing customer, and the small rest percent is from new customers. Therefore, in the dealership, using auto service reminders to remind the customers of their next service dates, insurance renewal reminders, Finance EMI reminders, etc., will ensure that they come to your dealership on time for servicing the vehicle.
If you forget to send these reminders, the customer will also forget and probably go to another dealership for servicing or directly to the insurance company for buying insurance, thereby losing business for the dealership.
In an auto service reminder App, if the customer enters the date of the insurance, permit, and PUC dates, the system will send reminders when these dates come near automatically. The system will automatically send auto service reminders to the customers.
How Auto Service Reminders Work
The reminders may be in the form of a text message or an email reminder. As a car owner, you will be sent an email or text message reminder each time your car approaches its servicing.
Auto-reminder systems for maintenance
Currently, there are two types of auto service reminders systems in use. The simpler design tracks how many miles your car travels. To receive timely alerts, the system is first programmed at intervals, depending on how you drive.
Advanced auto servicing reminders systems aim in determining the vehicle’s service intervals by following its operating condition. Depending on the car you are driving and the type of engine oil you need, a service reminder system may indicate a service signal from 3,500 to 15,000 miles.
Auto service reminders are a convenient way to help keep the maintenance of your automobile up tom date. There is no need to wonder if it is time for an oil change or other factory recommended maintenance. A reminder informs of an email or message will be sent to you at the appropriate time.
Modern cars are expensive and complex cars. They were designed to have a longer service life than vehicles in the past, but they still need some caution for them to work as expected. To ensure that your car is operating safe and economical, you need to perform some maintenance procedures regularly. Auto service reminders are a convenient way to schedule your vehicle.